Police checks Gennady Moskal treatment of bribing voters in Transcarpathia

K Police Department received an appeal in the Transcarpathian Zakarpattia Regional State Administration Chairman Gennady Moskal on bribing voters. Chairman of the Transcarpathian Regional State Administration Gennady Moskal turned to Transcarpathian police demanding to prevent bribery of voters in the upcoming placegovernmental elections and warned law enforcement officials already known about him bribing voters in favor of one political party in Mukachevo and Khust districts. Also, Gennady Moskal called people names. are engaged in bribery of voters. "I am instructed to conduct a thorough investigation into allegations official. If the suspicions are confirmed - "voice buyersto "threatened criminal liability under applicable law, - says head of Transcarpathian police Serhniy Knyazev. - Police continue to respond to the message citizens about violations of the election law. " SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Transcarpathian region

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/