At Vinnytsia nationalized by the Soviet authorities to historical religious property returned to owners (+ photos)

Lysyanka picturesque village of Vinnytsia region celebrated his wake. This year the feast throne for religious communities Miracles of Archangel Michael church in Honeh Ukrainian Orthodox Church was special. Indeed, Head of the DepartmentNationalities and Religions State Administration Ihor Saletskyy today officially handed community asset ownership documents for the church that has more than a century. Temple, though not included in the list of architectural monuments, but certainly a valuable heritage of Ukrainian people. It was built of oak wood on stonesecond base, even back in 1896, it was closed twice bezbozhnytskoyu authorities repeatedly robbed, rebuilt only in the 90s, but this day was state-owned. "Return of the historic owners of nationalized church property is the key to strengthening the symphony in relations between the two most important social institutions- The state and the church, which is necessary for stable development of Ukraine as an independent, sovereign and rule of law ", - said Igor Saletskyy. This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration
