In Chernihiv oblast authorities and rescuers increase monitoring of fire safety

2 September Korop head of the district administration Vladimir Kunitsyn studied the situation and problems extinguishing peat bog near the village. October. During the meeting, head of the district Korop sector of the Civil Service Ukraineus Emergency in Chernihiv region, Lieutenant Sergei civil protection Plytnyk said that peat fires on localized and brought under control. Improves situation that near the site of inflammation is a pond where rescuers quickly fill fire trucks. However, the problem remains the extinguishing factor that is burning deep peat deposits. In addition, Sergei Plytnyk stressed that dry weather and lack of rain increases fire hazard. However, one of the main causes of fires are human factor and the indifference of citizens to further consequences, which may cause a fire. It should be noted that on the instructions of the head rayderzhadministratsiyi reserve fund specifically for liquidation of fires allocated funds for the purchase of fuel for fire trucks. Vladimir Kunitsyn during his working visit met with rescuers examined problematic issues and met with Secretary of Village Council. Hope Zyazeyu October. The official instructed members of the community to help fireebortsyam particular vykosyty dry grass, clear the area of ??bushes and so on. "In such cases must pay attention in the first place and village heads to prevent possible consequences. They can not stand by and other local authorities, as our common task – protect forests and the ecological system. Koropschyna should not Laneetvorytys a platform for fires, "- said the head of the district administration. UDSNS in Chernihiv region
