Vinnytsia region, rescuers traveled twice overnight on disposal of hazardous finds

Overnight rescuers traveled the region in identifying explosive objects. Yes, September 2 at 15:40 at the rescue point of contact « 101 » received a message from another Orativ District Police that outside s.Frontivka found two explosive devices. On arrival experts identified as hazardous finds artillery shells caliber 75 mm of World War II era. The place is just shells were guarded by police officers. September 3rd group work pyrotechnic rescue special unit of the Directorate in Vinnytsia DSNSoblasts seized and defused explosive devices. On the same day at 13:02 reported identifying explosive objects came to the rescue of. Jmerinka. Manager item called ’ communication state Fire and Rescue unit number 8 reported that during track work at the 4th track between the second passenger Parkand three platforms at the station Jmerinka track workers discovered pieces of service. During the identification, experts DSNS found that finding is dangerous mortar mine caliber 120 mm times World War II. September 2 at 18:00 work group pyrotechnic rescue special unit of the minesometnu mine was disposed of by undermining in a specially designated place. PG DSNS in Vinnitsa region
