Dolynska rescuers conducted nationwide public campaign "Prevent. Save. Help. "In the health camp" Friendship "

has become a tradition for rescuers hold in for ­ for ­ odds Years ­ it baby mo ­ dpochynku activities of the Ukrainian Public Action « prevent. Save. Help & raquo ;.August 19 workers Dolyna District Department of Management in DSNS conducted nationwide public campaign « prevent. Save. Help » the territory LOC « old » Novoselytsia in the village. The program of the event was interesting and instructive, because, as in ­ on ­ Nacha rescuers, it is important that children know the rules of Safety ofe ­ h ­ ing behavior and know how to act properly in some emergency si ­ tuatsiyi. Rescuers told the children about the facts of emergencies that occur in the district, and at ­ thought rules of safe behavior in everyday life, including the use of electric and gas appliances, warned against dangerous for studentsPAH with matches and lighters, and during rest in the forest, about water ’ EC ­ max in identifying explosive objects. They also had to present demonstration performance involving fire-rescue vehicle and special equipment, demonstrated fire-rescue equipment. Children witnessed as clearly andRescuers should act in concert during fire fighting and providing assistance to people in various emergency situations. Interesting event has added a competition for speed dressing for ­ yo ­-term wear firefighter-ryatuva ­ l ­ ­ ­ Nick, in which active participation bra ­ ly not only boys but also girls. Those wishing to visit as rescuer foundOsya lot. Undoubtedly, such measures for intime ­ rd employees Office DSNS in the region is bark & ??shy; MRC and instructive point in the mass-Rose ’ yasnyuvalnoyi, prevention among di ­ dren security zhyttyediyalno ­ sti, they teach students responsible attitude to their own lives and Health ’ i.
