Vinnytsia region, rescuers check the readiness of schools for the new school year,

more than a week left before the time when thousands of children again sit at their desks in the new academic year. For kids 2015 - 2016 academic year may not be very desirable, but required a safe ’ cases. Usually in late summer workers spend DSNSTh verification of fire of the buildings and premises of schools. One of these took place on August 21 in the village Litin. District Sector Workers checked the readiness of school 1. The first thing that attention was directed inspectors – This is the most dangerous of office – physics, chemistry, computer science and labor studies. During the inspection, administrationuu school, your teachers and staff were reminded about the basic rules of fire safety. Because of the importance of the fight against fire play a primary means of fire fighting, rescue first checked availability at school extinguishers their serviceability and skills to use. Inspectors also checked availability of evacuation routes andtheir requirements in case of fire in the institution. In addition, teachers alma mater reminded that classrooms should be placed only necessary for the learning process things and not make paper. As witnessed verification result, the state fire Litinskii school 1 at a sufficient level. The principal states thatchildren safety – this is important because such visits to workers DSNS advises his colleagues to behave responsibly. PG DSNS in Vinnitsa region
