Well water - safe and effective water!


Water - source zhiznor, without which no one dwelling can not be comfortable. Well in the water underground is an alternative source for safe and effective water supply. Own autonomous well – it is, above all, very convenient. With the development of Artroitelstva houses, camping and cottages, drilling for the extraction of water directly from aquifers is becoming increasingly popular. wells of virtually needs no purification and thus, the user does not depend on centralized water supply system. But the most important advantage of underground water&Ndash; independence from man-made pollution.

The hydrogeological conditions within the studied area can even be extremely diverse, so the water is made on individual projects. The depth of the well is dependent on the depth of the passage of the aquifers. The deeper the well , the more water is saturated with salt, and correspondingly higher its mineralization.

The construction and water well depth define the following parameters:

  • Features of geological structure;
  • The method of drilling wells;
  • Performance requirements;
  • The maximum depth of the aquifer, the selected water supply;
  • The ability to create sanitary protection zones.

The following styles are drilling under water:

Well-drilling screw way

This is the destruction of rocks by the rotation of the drill. Screw method is best suited for creating shallow wells (30-50 meters) in soft and loose rocks.

Well Drilling rotary

This is the destruction of rocks with the helpsoup of the rotating drill. Rotary method allows you to create a well for water with a diameter from 76 to 215 mm.

Well Drilling coring method

This is a rotating drill, made in the form of a ring, broken rocks along the edges of the face. Destruction of breeds washed special washing liquid, pumped in toLonna drill pipe by a pump.

Well Drilling cable-way

This is a drill bit raised above the slaughter on a rope, and then let go. Chisel falls and hits the bottom of the well, destroying the rock, which is removed by means of bailer.

Well Drilling creates browcentury clean and unlimited source of water. Water becomes free, and the owner of the well can use it as you wish: for watering the garden, washing machines, drinking for livestock or creating an artificial pond.

Author: World of translation
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