What is interactive training


The essence of interactive learning

Before you thoroughly consider the interactive learning technology itself interactive lesson, let's find out what is the general gist of interactive learning based on a comparison with the traditional, well-known   approaches to learning. Tak back in the sixties of the 20th century Ya Golant gave a description of 3 main training models that exist in today's schools. Scientists have identified passive and active models, depending on the participation of students in the learning process.

"passive" in this classification is likely Ya Golant used as a low level of activitythe student when the student is simply repeating memorized his earlier material, with virtually no autonomy and creativity.

Online training is of some kind of active learning, but with its own characteristics and laws.

So if we consider passive learning model,then it is a disciple of the "object" of study that is required to learn and then reproduce the training material, which gave him a teacher or that he read in the book.

These teaching methods include:

  • lecture (in the form of a monologue);
  • explanation;
  • survey of students;
  • reading.

In this model, the pupils often do not perform a variety of creative tasks and do not even talk to each other.

And if we consider an active learning model, in It provides usedix such methods that encourage autonomy and cognitive activity of students. Here is a disciple of the "subject" of training, he enters into a dialogue with the teacher performs creative tasks.

The main methods of such training are:

  • questions from teacher to student, and vice versa,that develop creative thinking;
  • independent work;
  • creative and problem tasks (mostly domestic).

The word "interactive" means the ability to dialogue. Thus, intethe Interactive Training is a special form of organization of training activities, which has a specific, prescribed purpose - namely, to create a comfortable learning environment in which all students can feel their intellectual consistency and success.

So the essence interactive learning is opzation constant, active cooperation of all students during the learning process. This training in singing, interaction training (group or collective), in which both teachers and pupils are equal and equal subjects of study, to understand what they are doing and react to the fact that they are able, MNquire and do.

With the interactive learning is supposed to:

  • the use of role-playing games;
  • Simulation of life situations;
  • a general solution to the problem (as a consequence of the analysis of a given situation and circumstances).

Andnteraktivnoe training effectively promotes the formation of:

  • skills;
  • an atmosphere of collaboration and cooperation;
  • the development of values;
  • allows the teacher to become the leader of the team.

With online interaction is excluded as the dominance of one opinion over the other, and the dominance of one student over another. With this type of training students learn to communicate with other people, be democratic, make informed decisions, think critically.

Interded training - is a dialogue in which the teacher interacts with the student and the study of foreign languages ??is the basis of dialogue, because people who want to learn how to swim does not sit on a bike or drive a car - he goes to the pool and swim. So with languages ??- when you need to learn to talk - youneed to talk, and best of all with a native speaker, you are studying. For example, linguistic school SMILE ENGLISH SCHOOL () takes full advantage of interactive learning. In the center can be engaged: in groups, individual tutoring, children learning English is available in the form of a game, and Bi can learn by sitting at homeskype.

The main goal of interactive learning - is to create a comfortable learning environment where all students feel their perfection and success, allowing himself to make the educational process more productive.

The advantages of online learning over the traditional:

  • in the learning process involved absolutely all the students of class;
  • in the student begins formirovatsya benevolent attitude towards his opponent;
  • in the students formed a tolerant communication skills;
  • All scientistski can offer their own opinions;
  • for a short period of time, you can learn a lot of stuff;
  • created "a situation of success";
  • formed the ability to find an alternative solution to the problem and argue their point of view;
  • students learn to work in a team.

Another goal of interactive learning - to impart knowledge and to realize the value of others. Study the interaction of students in small groups and couples are the main forms of interactive work. The optimal composition of gRupp: 4-6.

Features interactive learning:

  • education and personality development of students simultaneously with the acquisition of new knowledge;
  • bilateral nature;
  • information gap;
  • ILOivatsiya and connection to real life;
  • teacher leadership process;
  • joint activities of students and teachers;
  • special organization and a variety of forms;
  • integrity and unity.

When inteuse the Interactive learning:

  • Simulation of life situations;
  • Role and educational games;
  • the creation of problematic situations.

Author: World of translation
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