Psychology of individual management style

A bad manager knows what needs to be done, and a good one shows how it needs to be done - this slogan can crystallize the essence of the materials submitted for your consideration.
Already in the first works on the psychology of management, the psychology of the manager's personality stood out as one of its essential directions. Empirical research on this problem began in the 20s and is now being conducted quite intensively. The problem of leadership and management is one of the fundamental problems of management psychology. And you can find out moods News sentiment analysis on the website
Initially, the leader was interpreted as a group member who is nominated as a result of the interaction of group members when solving a specific task. In solving this task, he demonstrates a higher level of activity, participation, influence than other members of the group. In other words, a leader is nominated in a specific situation, assumes certain functions.
Other members of the group accept leadership, that is, they build such a relationship with the leader that they assume that he will lead and they will be known.
The process of leadership can be quite contradictory: the degree of "obsession" of the leader and the degree of readiness of other group members to accept his leadership role may not coincide. Finding out the real capabilities of a leader means, among other things, finding out how the leader is perceived by other members of the group. The degree of the leader's influence on the group is also not a constant value: under some circumstances, leadership capabilities can increase, and under others, on the contrary, decrease.
It is important to note that when considering the problem of leadership in foreign psychology, the concepts of "leader" and "manager" are equated (although in German, unlike English, both concepts exist). For domestic researchers, it is characteristic to highlight management and leadership as two different phenomena characteristic of organized communities.
The problem of the relationship between two concepts - "management" and "management" requires separate consideration. Management acts as a broader concept, which means a directed influence on the system or individual processes occurring in it, with the aim of changing its state or giving it new properties and qualities. The concept of "management" refers to technical ("machine-machine"), socio-technical ("man-machine"), social ("man-man") systems. Management is a special case of management. Its main differences are that management:
- limited to the impact on people and their communities;
- involves the interaction of the manager with subordinates;
- designed to initiate one's activities in accordance with the leader's intentions.
Therefore, management is an arbitrary (purposeful) influence on managed people and their community, which leads to their conscious and active behavior and activity in accordance with the manager's intentions. Therefore, management can be called management, but not every management is management.
The main differences between leadership and management boil down to the following:
- the content of concepts - leadership involves the organization of all group activities, and leadership characterizes the psychological relations that arise in the group "vertically", that is, from the point of view of relations of dominance and subordination;
- emergence - leadership is a natural and necessary attribute of the process of emergence of a formal organization, while leadership arises spontaneously as a result of human interaction. Accordingly, the leader is usually either formally appointed or elected, while the leader is nominated spontaneously;
- functioning - management acts as a process of legal organization and management of joint activities of organization participants, and leadership - a process of internal social and psychological organization and management of communication and activities;
- the social role of the manager and leader - the manager is the mediator of social control and power, and the leader is the subject of group norms and judgments that are spontaneously formed in interpersonal communication.