Rivne region, rescuers work out documents rapid response to the gas station area

workers July 21 7th State Fire and Rescue Directorate DSNS of Ukraine in the Rivne region in accordance with the schedule of working documents respond quickly to the most important and complex fires and technogenic hazardous about ’ Objects had a practical working area on one of the gas stations « Vogue Retail & raquo ;, in the village Oparypsy Radyvyliv area. The same day, members of the 8th State Fire and Rescue worked documents of rapid response to petrol stations PAT « Galnaftogas » Sarni town. A savednyky 15th state of the Fire and Rescue spent working at the gas station "Marshal" near the village of Old Koretz to 261 km. highway Kyiv-Chop Koretsky district. During testing, attention was drawn to comply with regulations in the field of civil protection and fire safety officials responsible about ’ object CHECKEDat the state of the fire water and waste of operational actions of rescue units from emergency response and fire when they arise. Also tested sources external fire water, fire water bodies including Near, made adjustments corresponding dockmentatsiyi. PG DSNS in Rivne region

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/