Lutsk prosecutor informed the public about the status of legality

In accordance with Art. 6 of the Law of Ukraine « on Prosecution » on 14 October 2014, the prosecutor Lutsk Lutsk Andriy Kucher informed about the state of legality in the oblast center of Volyn. Reporting to the community, he noted that due to coordinated actions of all nravoohoronnyh of Volyn regional center failed to achieve reduction of crime in the regional center. Yes, for 6 months in 2015 the crime rate by 10 thousand. Population in Lutsk is 67.2 (6 months 2014 - 68.3). During 6 months of 2015 in the city decreased number of criminal offenses counted. Twiceand decreased the number committed in the territory of the regional center of Volyn crimes against life and health ’ i. At least a third counted in Lutsk crimes related to narcotic drugs. Decreased the number of crimes committed by persons who previously committed crimes, and crimes committed by drunk ch ’ yaninnya. Prosecutor MissLutsk and monthly checks are carried out in compliance with the laws of Lutsk MB Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Volyn region during registration, recording and resolving allegations and reports of criminal offenses. This year, prosecutors identified and included in the YERDR information on 15 previously unrecorded police officers committed criminal offenses. At usument revealed violations of the law in deciding claims about a criminal offense the prosecution of the city in 2015. Chief of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the order directed two of the audits, the results of a review of which charges were brought against seven officers, including 2 officers guideline withlay down, another is pending. Thanks to these city prosecutor organizational measures to enhance and strengthen the work of the investigation JI Lutsk MB Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Volyn region in the implementation of the pre-trial investigation in criminal proceedings throughout the first half of this year, the court directed acts of accusatory 269 Crimeational proceedings. Not allowed cases of unlawful bringing people to justice, their unlawful detention on suspicion of committing crimes. At the same time, in 2015. Resulting from the city prosecutor's office checks the status of pre-trial investigation in criminal proceedings brought 4 documents prokurorskohO response on the consideration which disciplined 10 officers JI Lutsk MB Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Volyn region. Lutsk Prosecutor is also constantly taking steps to strengthen the impact on the legality in criminal proceedings. According to the prosecutor of the city prosecutor's office for 6 months in 2015, the courts considered a resolution of 179 verdicts criminal proceedings. For 6 months 2015 crimes caused 1609 thousand. UAH. loss of which recovered 1 032 thousand. UAH. In order to secure damages for crimes, arrest suspects on property worth 2 022 thousand. UAH. Prosecutor Lutsk constantly useXia measures to intensify the work on combating criminal offenses and administrative corruption. For 6 months 2015 the city prosecutor's office finished pretrial investigation and forwarded to court indictments in criminal proceedings 4 of this category. Since 2015 the Prosecutor Volyn Regional Center also drafted two protocolsCorruption of administrative offenses. Prosecutor acted Lutsk and measures to improve the efficiency of representative. Yes, for 6 months in 2015 prosecutors town pre ’ revealed 60 claims totaling $ 4.6 million. UAH., Of which the public interest - to 136 thousand. UAH., On protection of state interests – 4.5 mln. UAH. Currently, courts granted 35 suits Luck prosecutors totaling 1.2 mln. UAH., Voluntarily reimbursed 48 thousand. UAH. Provided participate in the consideration of 57 cases, including claims of prosecutors in 37 cases, the entry made in 20 cases. For the current period 2015 Lutsk actually executed judgments on claims prosecutors4 mln. UAH. Prosecutors Lutsk
