Value customs broker

Today Many enterprise independently zanymayutsya tamozhennm oformlenyem. Some polahaetsya And just for that, something for them povezet. Most BOL'SHAIa mistakes people kotore prenebrehayut customs and brokerskymy services javljaetsja then something ??? dumayut, something with very process oformlenyya ??? smohut chravytsya independently. As okazalos But in practice, something Gorazd bstree and vhodnee spravyatsya Opytnyi Specialists. First, for many learning staff Nuzhny of time, subjects More avoided errors in Initial Stages Almost impossible. Given tot fact something tamozhennoe Case javljaetsja dostatochno slozhnoy sferoy in kotoroj constantly proyshodyat ModifiedIa, something co TIME Only uslozhnyayut works.

What soboj presents tamozhenny broker?

Tamozhenny broker presents soboj organization, kotoraja BEEN topics oformlyaet something hruz, transport and ymeet right to present a client Interests Customs bodies.

First something brokernachnet predostavlyat svoy services, obyazatelno Between him and the client zakljuchaetsja Treaty on volume Kaki broker will be okazvat services. In other words, the broker javljaetsja posrednykom Between Sender, Recipient and tamozhennm body.

Kaki same operations vpolnyaet tamozhenny broker?

Tamozhenny broker exercises vpolSuch notions operations related tamozhennm oformlenyem:

1. Sostavljaet hruzovuyu tamozhennuyu Declaration and sootvetstvuyuschye soputstvuyuschye paper;
2. Predyavlyaet tovar, kotore dolzhn deklaryrovatsya;
3. Gives the all neobhodyme Documents in tamozhenny body;
4. Perform others affairs related tamozhennm and oformlenyemcontrol.

Tamozhenny broker obyazatelno dolzhen ymet license for the right to Implementation customs - brokerskoy activities. Online ee dolzhen Receive a specially central body, something prospered tamozhenne affairs.
By law the broker bt Can Only enterprises. Way, here deklaryrovat tovar behalf of the enterprise also ymeet right egobranch, kotory presents soboj representation or obosoblennoe strukturnoe .

Tamozhenny broker vpolnyaet that function, and kotore ukazan Treaty, that is only in technical volume. This is happening in doverennosty-Faces from the declarant, that is from the client, Kotor on presents in order Avto osuschestvall one's operations.

Tamozhenny broker except right osuschestvlyat tamozhenne operations ymeet prynymat right to participate in the concomitant actions - certification, sohlasovvat and makes payments in sootvetstvuyuschyh ynstantsyyah.


So tamozhenny Brocker javljaetsja posrednykom Between Customs and topics subektom, kotory BEEN vneshnekonomycheskoyu activities. Dannoe predpriyatie of help you preodolet Many problems avoided or s appearance in the future.

Only Vbyrat you pay for shtraf sorvanne Simple supply or road, or Accept same assistance thereozhenno-brokerskyh companies. If this is your transaction proyzoydet Gorazd bstree, cheaper and kachestvennee. Good luck and prodvyzhenyya Vashem in business!
