Active stance Employment Service of Rivne rated positively

Provision of services Employment Service demobilized discussed the round table "Integration and demobilized members ATO komisovanyh a peaceful life." Public event initiated OPORA and NGO "Psychological Service euromaidan" heldJune 10 in Rivne House of Scientists. Participating in the meeting were Deputy Director of the regional employment center Tatiana Novorok and deputy director of the Rivne city employment center Svetlana Rotary. The urgency and depth of topics roundtable gathered at a public event a broad representation of the local authorities, public and Wallonterskyh organizations, members of ATU. We talked about charging mechanisms participants ATO allowances and benefits, medical and psychological rehabilitation of war, employment, land, as well as cooperation among government agencies, local authorities, community and voluntary organizations to re-socialization intimeATO ers returning from combat zones. It is worth noting that many of the panelists evaluated positively active role of the employment service area. On a responsible attitude and efficient work employment centers in addressing the employment of demobilized said Deputy Head Oleksandr Savchuk. About districtezultatyvnu cooperation and said the chairman of the NGO "Regional veteran union members ATO Rivne" Fedor Kapustynskyy and other participants. Deputy Director of the regional employment center Tatiana Novorok stressed that among the priorities of the Employment Service - Service demobilized soldiers called up duringmobilization in times of crisis. At the beginning of June to the employment centers field addressed more than 180 participants ATU, 170 of whom were eligible for financial assistance. Employed demobilized 9, 6 and started their own businesses once received adequate unemployment benefits. But Tatiana Novorok reasonably noted: - Inynykaye question why such a small proportion of the employed. The answer is based on several arguments: - Firstly, for people who were in the area ATO important, first of all, medical and psychological adaptation, and only then - employment; - Secondly, the average salary offered vacancies - 1500 UAH, while unemployment benefit mayzhe all demobilized much more. That is why we say that in this situation it is necessary to focus on business opportunities and take advantage of a set of free services employment services - and this consultation, business courses, one-time payment of unemployment benefits to start their own business. For example, in Hoshcha Dec.Ilka demobilized already received from the employment center all appropriate means and work in their business. This growing rabbits, trading tackles for fishing, work in ahroservisni. This was reported in Rivne city employment center
