In Ternopil RSA promote tuberculin zakipivli

Due to insufficient provision of immunobiological preparations (tuberculin, BCG vaccine) over the last few years the situation on the state of TB prevention in the field of concern, because the background of the number of protected (immunized) persons created favorable conditions foI spread the pathogen in the environment as a result - the expansion of the reservoir of TB infection. This was reported by Head of the Department of Epidemiology and sanitary protection area PG Derzhsanepidemsluzhby in Maria Pavelyeva during a meeting with Acting Deputy Head of Ternopil Oblast State Administration Ivan BabiychukOhm, 29 April took place in ODA. According to her, one of the most effective methods for early detection of tuberculosis as primary infection and disease in the early stages, is an annual tuberculin among children. "In the region organized child population of tuberculin purified tuberculinzakuplyayetsya at the expense of local budgets - said Maria. - At the beginning of 2015 in the balance of tuberculin - 17,778 doses for the first quarter 2015 purchased 6568 doses of tuberculin purified worth UAH 66,088.21, the percentage tuberculin ensure the region as of 01.04.2015r. - 9.5% annual demand to reach tuberkulinodiahnostykoyu child population aged 0 to 14 years taking into account the spill - 257 160 doses. " Head of the Main Department of Sanitary Inspection Organization Gossanepidsluzhby in Ternopil region Galina Chaikin said that given the problematic provision immunobiological drugs available tuberculin in not using modtak balance as of 01.04.15r. - 19,666 doses. "Since the beginning of 2233 held only Mantoux test children (0 - 14r.), Representing 1.9% of the annual plan (116 865). Tuberculin aged 7 years, covered 140 children, representing 1.3% of the annual plan (10 967), revaccination in this age group is not carried out (in the absence of BCG vaccine) - Said Galina Vladimirovna. - The region remains problematic immunization against tuberculosis, the BCG vaccine is absent, financed from the state budget and delivered centrally. From the beginning, born in 2709 children vaccinated in maternity hospitals only 164 children (vaccine purchased with funds from the local budget) percentOtok vaccination is 6.1%. " In turn, John Babiychuk emphasized that contribute so to the district administration allocated funds for tuberculin child population. This was reported in the Ternopil Regional State Administration
