In the Zhytomyr region to prevent fires and rescue the Church joined forces

April 28th rector of St. Michael's Cathedral, Father Bogdan together with the Interim Duty ’ yazky Head of DSNS in Basil Cucina solemnly signed the appeal to the congregation, which called population observancemuvatysya rules in the spring, especially during the celebration of May Day and keep God granted life. This type of Rose ’ yasnyuvalnoyi work among area residents selected by chance. The situation in the fires and their consequences is of serious concern and forcing rescuers to find other regioneffects on the minds of the population. Indeed, despite the range of measures taken to prevent injury and loss of life in fires, their number is quite high. The vast majority of tragedies registered in the residential sector. The main reasons for their occurrence is careless handling of fire, often due to smoking in beddrunk Inappropriate use of electrical appliances and heating in the winter. And with the start of spring field work, cleaning gardens and burning vegetation remnants of last year added a significant number of fires through non-compliance using open flames, including breeding a fire in windyin weather. Most fire victims are elderly, lonely citizens, people with disabilities, which in terms of hard life and some difficulties remain the most vulnerable, and people who are antisocial lifestyle. Therefore, all others must pay more attention to them, be their weakness, opportunities do not give a wrong step,- Said in his speech, the representative of the Orthodox Church. Employees DSNS using media appearances to the people always spend Rose ’ yasnyuvalnu work. However, not all people have the opportunity to subscribe to periodic management, listen to radio and watch TV. However, many believers listenthe word of the Lord. At the ceremony interim Duty ’ yazky Head of DSNS in Zhytomyr Oblast Vasily Kuchyn, convinced that about ’ yednavshy efforts Rescue « 101 » and the Church of ’ additional appeared to significantly increase the level of awareness of the safety lifeactivities affect the consciousness of every citizen, and thus not only warn and warn, but also rectify irreparable disaster. For his part, Father Bogdan assured that the texts of applications will be announced in church media and used in sermons. In DSNS in Zhytomyr region
