Bishop Benedict (Aleksiychuk) presented a new book that encourages reading of the Bible

Yesterday, April 21, in Lviv presented a new book bishop of Lviv Archdiocese of UGCC Benedict (Aleksiychuk) "Reflections to liturgical readings of the Gospel." This is not the usual theological interpretation of Scripture. This book, which aims to call to uodennoho reading the Bible. This correspondent. &Laquo; Reflections to liturgical readings Gospel » &Ndash; n ’ Fifth Bishop Benedict book, but it is different from all his previous works. According to the vice-rector Fr.. Basil Rudeyka, it sets out the understanding of Scripture, not a scientific explanation. &Laquo; This book is notis research to Scripture. It is not written systematically explaining the terms. It notes the heart of the believer, inspired and made to bring forth daily reading of Scripture. This is what every Christian should do – read the Bible, pass it through itself. A true Christian is to catch glimpses of God's Word, which says to usIn his heart. Lord, in my opinion, did it & raquo ;, – talked about. Basil. He noted that the bishops thought the book different: « sometimes it may look trivial, like a bell with a bucket, and sometimes it shimmers Easter Call & raquo ;. A. Basil added that the book is valuable because written words that everyone can speak Christianstyyanyn. There is no statement of dogmas, moral teachings. &Laquo; Reflections to liturgical readings Gospel » written in the form of short posts. &Laquo; it is not long entertain in style John Chrysostom or St. Paul. This is a short message to the world that the lord wants to share. This he manages. Comparing them (reflections, – ed.) With an iconI would say that it is not detailed drawings skilled icon painter. Rather, it's great strokes of spiritual experience, which already want to share with man and the world & raquo ;, – said Father Basil. The author of the book, Bishop Benedict said during the presentation, « Reflections … » &Ndash; &Laquo; this version of Benedict, where he tried to hearingatm that say God & raquo ;. &Laquo; This is entirely sub ’ subjective version of their experiences and beliefs. Often it is in very earthy look. Sometimes God has put on my heart something deeper. But I tried to share & raquo ;, – Bishop Benedict said. He added that deliberately repeated a lot of things in the book. According to Bishop, this release hasbecome an impulse to encourage Bible reading. Bishop also said that preparing for the second book. &Laquo; The second book will entertain what we hear. This reading of the Apostles, which is every day at the Divine Liturgy. I still have the last few pages & raquo ;, – Bishop shared. As noted during the presentation of a directorydavnytstva « Svichado » Bogdan Troyanovskyy, out of this book is a real treat for publishers. &Laquo; When we began to publish religious literature 25 years ago, we were faced with the lack of sponsors. We tried solutions ’ yazaty this problem, giving Western authors. But these books have one big disadvantage – they did not fully take into accountNumber of Ukrainian mentality. So very glad when the ’ are our authors who have a talent for writing and a good healthy spirituality as Bishop Benedict & raquo ;, – said Bogdan Troyanovskyy. Told
