The police tracked down the attacker, who in Ivano-Frankivsk girl robbed a resident of

regional center appealed to the police and reported the robbery. The victim was sketch her abuser, but it certainly helped police in tracing the attacker. The event happened late at night. The girl returned home. She walked down the street, and themeeting followed her boyfriend, who became her abuser. The attacker snatched from her cell phone and ran away toward the buildings. The victim began to call for help, but the next one was not, and the offender escaped. Frightened girl turned to law enforcement officers who identified the attacker. It appeared to be a meshkanets Ivano-Frankivsk, 19-year-old boy. On this fact openly criminal proceedings under Part 1 st.186 (robbery) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Sanction article punishable by a fine of fifty to one hundred untaxed minimum incomes, or community service for a period of one hundred and twenty to two hundred forty hours, or correctional labor for upto two years, or imprisonment for up to six months, or imprisonment for up to four years. SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukraine Ivano-Frankivsk
