Thanks Khmelnytsky guards spontaneous trade begins to disappear from the streets of the city

Sellers nothing prevents the switch can accommodate markets. Today's monitoring has shown - Free trade is enough for everyone. Today in Khmelnitsky city council was discussing further destiny spontaneous trade on the streets. The discussion took pupilsast initiative group of sellers, representatives of local authorities, police and market leadership "Morning." One of the decisions - to conduct weekly monitoring of availability for trading on the market. police officers and representatives of the City Council started the event. - Salespeople consider the problem as insufficient torusDuty seats on the market. I tested this information personally - said Acting Khmelnytsky police chief Valery Gorotdel Onisyev. - Those who came before, he took stalls under the roof, other vendors were ranked behind the counter in the open. Inside the market remained covered and free series, which for some reason no one wanted to take. So problEMI lack of space in the market "morning" we have found. Management market also reported that refining capacity and establishing trade hinged awning - their job in the near future. The police, in turn, allow spontaneous manifestations trading near the food market, conducting public awareness.SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Khmelnytsky region
