VC "offensive": authorities must protect the rights of citizens and only then -

banks on Wednesday, February 18, 2015 at 10.00 hours. the walls of the Ukrainian House (Khreschatyk Str. 2) starts a perpetual protest currency borrowers from all over Ukraine. People are outraged and threatened mass protests since the new government for almost a year does not want to legally regulateand the issue of foreign currency loans, while bank lobby defends its position, which does not facilitate the payment of foreign currency loans to hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian. VC "offensive" fully supports the social movement "Financial Independence" and calls on all concerned people to help defend the rights of consumers of financial services and protect members of thsmall and medium businesses that are now supporting Ukrainian army. Today we have a precedent when people in rudely denied against borrowers are credit information war, accusing them that they were foreign currency loans, people take the latter referring to the development documents (MOU), by executingfor banks is only advisory and not mandatory. Head VC "offensive" Ruslan Sekela convinced that "The government must first protect the rights of citizens and only then - banks. Ukrainian enough funds and paid by health authorities for errors, in fact, since the conclusion of the contract between the borrower and the bank gryvnya against the dollar devalued five times and the amount of liabilities to the bank borrowers increased by 400%. Today banks have earned on foreign currency loans, because then they can not serve. " According to R. Sekely to address the issue of currency borrowers need to take the law under which people have the right to transfer their creditsin hryvnia at the rate in force at the time of the contract. The difference from the conversion of loans into hryvnia should be divided between the bank and the borrower country. "New" democratic "Parliament should pass a law that will regulate the issue of foreign currency loans. We all know that most currency borrowers are small and mediumbusiness, and these people are volunteers today, just for their money is supporting our boys who are in the ATO and settlers from the East. Therefore, the power should go to meet them "- summed Sekela. Recall that the 2005 banking system Ukraine massively foreign capital flowed with the slogan involvement in the economy of cheap financial Repursiv. At that time, banks did not have long-term resources in local currency and banks with Western capital was convenient to lend in the currency in which they receive funding from their parent companies. Since 2006, has become a massive scale, highly profitable for banks consumer lending in foreign currency. Today on nasliDKI for the state and people of this campaign for profit trying to speak publicly and currency borrowers really become slaves to the banking system. Press Service of the VC "offensive"
