April 16 in Ternopil will be an open auction of old paving

April 16 at 10 am. indoors Ternopil city council held an open auction of roadway, which was dismantled during repair work on the streets. As the Mayor Sergei Nadal Ternopil, the auction will remove many piTan from Ternopil on the state roadway, storage and market value. &Laquo; In Ternopil had many thoughts about where the old cobblestone streets of the city, where we spent repair and rumors of its high cost, – says Sergei Nadal. &Ndash; This pavement is very difficult to reuse because it different shapes. Exactlyso we offer ternopolyan to participate in an open auction for the sale of the roadway. All proceeds will be used for repairs in & raquo ;. Organizes and conducts auction Ternopil branch Commodity Exchange « Universal Commodity Exchange Land « Dnieper & raquo ;. At the auction exhibited two lots: Lot 1. Bazaltova pavers recycled in an amount of 102.38 cubic meters. Lot 2. Basalt Crushed stone, gravel roadways in the amount of 343.5 cubic meters. Currently, all cobbles deposited in the municipal enterprise « Miskshlyahrembud & raquo ;. Explore the pavement can be weekdays from 9 to 16 hours. PeaceA preliminary agreement now. You must call at tel .: (097) 808-96-77 all days except weekends. The deadline for accepting applications for participation in the auction – Three days before the start of the meeting. Bidders Liabilities ’ Knitted make a registration fee of 17.00 USD. excluded, as well as to guarantee(Mortgage) payment on account of exchange of 10% of the initial value in the following details: payee – Ternopil branch Commodity Exchange « Universal Commodity Exchange Land « & raquo ;, Dnieper p / 26008011491306 Ternopil branch PAT « Ukrsocbank & raquo ;, MFO 300023, code 37687617. This flooridomyly in Ternopil City Council

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/