In Chernivtsi region in Storozhinets district inspectors of police caught the attacker

A resident of the district center came to the house of an elderly woman and stole a mobile phone worth 500 USD. By Storozhynetsky police department asked 74-year-old resident of the district center, who reported that unknown person through unlocked doors cameto her home and stole a mobile phone. Local policeman immediately began searching for the attacker. Guardians of the review carried home, seized explain the neighbors of the victim. After talking with citizens, police learned that a suspicious man was near the place of the crime. The police have installed OSObu attacker. They found 34-year-old resident of the district center. The man confessed to the crime. In this incident, investigators Storozhynetsky police department opened criminal proceedings under Art. 185 (theft) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Pre-trial investigation continues. SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Chernivtsi region
