In Volyn GAI roundtable discussed the status and causes of accidents on the roads (+ photos)

From the beginning of the year in recorded 294 accidents, 79 of them - with victims: 20 people were killed, 109 - injured. According to Deputy Chief UGAI in Volyn region AndriyaBondaruka among the main causes of road accidents - ExcessI speed maneuvering violation of the rules, regulations passage pedestrian and driving while intoxicated. Head office of the State Service of Lutsk Viktor Hlavichka said that from the beginning, arrested two drivers in the influence of drugs: - Fortunately, stop and subsequent removal of transMotor vehicles naareshtmaydanchyk prevented a possible disaster, because it is no secret that the drivers due to alcohol or drugs significantly reduced the rate of reaction and prytuplyuyetsya adequate perception of reality. During the event, Andrew Bondaruk stressed that most chastynaavtopryhod occurred through the fault of pedestrians: - We have foronstatuvaty that this category of road users often flippantly refers to compliance with the rules, moving in a way forbidden places. The journalists' questions about how to prevent anxious statistics AndriyBondaruk said: - In addition to active preventive measures, conducting the State employees, from doshkilthese schools are working well for optimizing pedestrian crossings. In turn Victor Hlavichka reported that within Lutsk survey was dangerous pedestrian crossings, and thus together with the City Council will soon be upgraded lighting of road sections. Tsohorichpratsivnyky traffic police and representatives of managementhousing and communal services will inspect the main roads of the city to identify and eliminate damage that often provoke accidents. Do not forget to state inspector and on cyclists: during road works on the avenues of Unification, Renaissance and street Hnidavskiyu Lutsk planned construction of bicycle paths. Predstavnyky NGOs who participated in the roundtable expressed wishes of greater cooperation with the public. Specifically representative of "self-defense" Sergey Ryzhkov said: - People are willing to provide information support traffic police on committed offenses. We are all relevant and interested in, to reduce the number andVary on the roads. Remember: community - it's your eyes. In his view, the cooperation of law enforcement and public integrity facilitate road users, and consequently - reduce accidents. UGAI Internal Affairs of Ukraine Volyn region
