In Khmelnytsky Fake social workers conduct monetary reform

believe in this fiction and 72-year-old Khmelnychanka. As a result, the woman lost 7,000 USD. Guardians grandmother said that about 11 o'clock in the morning she had an unfamiliar woman who introduced social worker. The guest said that Ukraine is onpound currency so urgent to exchange all the money for new order not to lose savings. The old woman gathered 7000 hryvnia and handed them "sotspratsivnytsi." The woman put the money in an envelope written on it amount to date exchange sotskasi and made appropriate markers in the magazine, then returned the envelope pensioner. After a while,victim opened the envelope and saw the money instead of chopped paper, then immediately appealed to the police. Workers Khmelnytsky MB Internal Affairs opened criminal proceedings under Part 1 of Art. 190 "Fraud" of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Guardians searching crook and warn that in Ukraine no monetary reform occurs.If you visited social workers and told it, you know - it's crooks. Immediately inform the police about the incident - not allow attackers to deceive themselves and other citizens! SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Khmelnytsky region
