Vladimir Khomko: "In exactly children from large families will go free without certificates"

Because of subjective reasons Ukraine in a critical situation with the issuance of certificates for children from large families. These certificates were available and give the Ministry of Social Policy. Unfortunately, such a certificate has not yet been published and in the regionreceived. In this regard, the mayor of Rivne Volodymyr Khomko held a meeting with the Head of Family, Youth and Sports Sergey Shevchuk and director of the municipal enterprise "Rivneelektroavtotrans" Valentin Tkachuk on the subject to Rivne city children who have such privileges were taken and more free without that official shall settion. Such an instruction is given to carriers and trolley management control, and today problems in children will not. So to the regulation of production of forms of certificates child of a large family Minsotspolitiki right to price reductions have children from large families pred'yavlyatymut driver or conductor next dockls: - Information on family members, approved by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy of Ukraine of 22.07.2003 204 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on 13.09.2003 709/8030); - A copy of child's birth certificate, stamped by the city government (for children aged 6 to 16 years); - Original docuand identity with a photograph (student ticket for children from 6 to 16 years, student kvmtok or passport for children from 16 to 18 years). This was reported in the Rivne City Council

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/