Reported suspected employee Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Rivne region, who demanded and received illegal benefits

Rivne Oblast Prosecutor's Office conducted preliminary investigations in criminal proceedings under Part. 3. 368 Criminal Code of Ukraine on the fact of extortion and receiving improper benefits operatives of one of the divisions of Internal Affairs of Ukraineand in the field. "It is established that a police captain demanded and received funds from the citizen of 2 thousand UAH for assistance in deciding neprytyahnennya last administrative proceedings"? This was told the deputy prosecutor Andrew Borovik. Crime exposed and stopped 03/16/2015 prosecutors and Security Service of Ukraine aboutgion when receiving funds policeman. "Informed person suspected of committing the said criminal offense. The issue of the use of the suspect restraint and removal from office last "- said Andrew Borovik. The sanction for such criminal offenses envisaged liabilityimprisonment for a term of five to ten years with deprivation of the right to occupy certain positions or engage in certain activities for up to three years with confiscation of property and with a special forfeiture. Press service of the regional prosecutor's office
