Demobilized soldiers Ternopil will undergo rehabilitation in six hospitals

Results of the second phase of the fourth stage partial mobilization in Ternopil region, as well as preparation for the adoption of demobilized soldiers in March 16 discussed the acting head of the Ternopil Oblast State Administration Ivan Chrisak with heads of departments and offices. As he said, the mobilization plan for implementation in the need to mobilize every day about 100 people or 6 people from each district. "This number is determined by the time needed for military training mobilized men. Therefore, curators relevant areas relatedynni strengthen the work of local representatives and work as quickly as possible. It should urgently provide replacement of fighters who have to be in the rotation, "- said John Krysak. Providers area willing to provide appropriate services demobilized soldiers, the director of the Department of Health Vladimir chickens. "Hand rehabilitation of demobilized soldiers allocated 1 million USD, - he continued. - Carry out treatment on the basis of communal establishment Ternopil regional council "Ternopil University Hospital" psychological rehabilitation of conduct based on regional neuropsychiatric hospital Zalischyky narkod military hospital. Mykulynetskoyi and Bilche-zolotetskoyi rehabilitation hospital. " Demobilized soldiers provide free tours for recovery in the sanatorium of the region. Also welfare of local budgets be allocated to support their families. All the men have the right to return to their previous work, despite the lateness of rotation, said IvanKrysak. This was reported in the Ternopil Regional State Administration
