Who would not break the law, especially if it touches the ground, the prosecution is hard to react - Prosecutor of Uzhgorod Ivan roared

Prosecutor of Uzhgorod Ivan roared, accepted the invitation of the Public Council under the Uzhgorod City Council and participated in the public hearing initiated by her. Prosecutor John roared Uzhhorodand despite the fact that it is just a month as appointed Attorney regional center, answered all questions that interested members of the public council, activists and journalists. In particular, said that soon after his appointment to the position, met with the Mayor of Uzhgorod and his deputies and said that without the approval of Geeral plan of the city illegally to make decisions about the allocation of land and warned if these decisions session will still be accepted - the prosecution they will all be canceled in court. Thus, « land » questions were taken from the session of the City Council. Responding to a question about the decision of Uzhgorod City Council session,which in 2010 approved planning documentation quarter of individual residential development in the street. Stefanik in Uzhgorod Ivan roared stressed that the prosecution decided to withdraw the lawsuit said. However, a number of land, in violation of the law, were allocated illegally, because they are in the protection zone intertional highway of state value M 08. Therefore, in this part of the prosecutor's office is preparing a separate lawsuit. The prosecutor of Uzhgorod called activists, journalists and the public to provide written evidence of any violations of the law in Uzhgorod, whoever these violations are not vchynyalysya and whatever political forcesor officials not concerned. All evidence provided will be given proper evaluation and, if appropriate, information on violations of the law will be included in the Unified Register of pre-trial investigations and criminal proceedings started. Press office of the Prosecutor's Office Transcarpathian region

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/