Responsible in court for committing a resident of Rivne support law enforcement officers and causing bodily harm

Rivne Oblast Prosecutor's Office has approved indictment in relation to 46-year-old inhabitant Dubrovytsky district who committed criminal offenses under Part. 2, Art. 345 (intentional infliction employee pravoohoronnoho body of minor bodily harm in connection with the performance of her official duties) and ch. 2, Art. 342 (resisting a law enforcement officer in the performance of official duties) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Criminal proceedings were investigating investigators SU MIA of Ukraine in the procedural guidance for prosecutors regionAsti. The pre-trial investigation established that in February 2015, the premises of one of the district prosecutor's national pressure to commit to 28-year-old worker - Senior Attorney for prosecution of illegal adopt procedural decisions in criminal proceedings to the last used profanity and physical strength.Later, on arrival of the police at the scene the man has them resistance, expressed in applying law enforcement injuries and damage uniforms. The indictment said regarding citizen forwarded to the court for consideration. By committing these criminal offenses punishable by typeimprisonment for up to 5 years. Press service of the regional prosecutor's office
