In the Zhytomyr region, rescuers spent an hour for school life safety

28 September of the Zhytomyr secondary school number 36 held a public rescue action « prevent. Save. Help & raquo ;. Firefighters, together with representatives of the Red Cross Society of Ukraine gave the students a good mood and pereviryly knowledge about life safety. Such actions aim to teach the younger generation how to act in emergency situations or events, and providing first aid to the injured. For school students in the form of a game briefing was held, during which nadzvychaynyky told those present that may arise nadzvychAini event and reminded which services should seek help if they occur. Kids got a unique opportunity to take the few minutes to fire a savior. They tried on real combat clothing, familiar with equipment which use the rescue, and sat behind the wheel of a car fire. No question will not leaveMoose unanswered, no photograph is not out of genuine child without a smile. To consolidate the theoretical knowledge, the students along with firefighters extinguished the fire conventional and provided first aid to the injured. Red Cross workers younger generation acquainted with the basics of medical affairs. Also provided an opportunity for firefightersstudents compete among themselves for agility and endurance. The winners and most active participants of tenders awarded souvenir gifts from DSNS symbols. Action « prevent. Save. Help » once again brought together hundreds of people who were vital knowledge. The knowledge that soon someone will help save lives. In DSNS in Zhytomyr region
