In Khmelnytsky rescuers helped to find a woman who got lost in the woods

September 25, paragraph called ’ connection 8 th State Fire and Rescue acted notice of that in the forest near the village Bilotyn Iziaslav district lost woman. Upon arrival at the scene rescuers State Emergency Services,Information confirmed that when picking a local resident lost city. Netishin. According to his brother and daughter learned that when she heady picking distant from them, and to search for the missing two hours on its own was useless. Rescuers with foresters organized search operations in severaldirections. Together lost found 39 quarter forestry. State Emergency Service of Ukraine notes: Sometimes, people who are not well oriented in rough terrain, can get lost in the woods. To avoid this, you must go to the forest if you're there for the first time, accompanied by a person who is well-versed inistsevosti also not to pick mushrooms dark, because even if you are well Add ’ yataly way, from dusk opportunity lost significantly increases. PG DSNS Ukraine in Khmelnytsky region
