At Vinnytsia State authorities have until October to connect to the single state register

of 1 October changed the procedure for obtaining information from a single state register of legal entities and natural persons-entrepreneurs and the state register of real rights on real estate The state and local authorities, Interior, Security Service and Prosecutor's Office will receiveinformation from these registries only in electronic form, and will not ask relevant help people. The Ministry of Justice has provided technical access to these registers under the relevant agreements. Information on the procedure to connect to these registers these bodies posted on the official website of the technical alministratoriv state register - State Enterprise "Information and Resource Center ( and SE "National Information System ( Recall, in law provides for the possibility of obtaining by officials of state and local government, courts, internalInterior and Prosecutor's Office, the Security Service of Ukraine, notaries and lawyers from the state register of relevant information both in paper form and electronically, by direct access to these registers. This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration
