Khmelnytsky region, rescuers teaching people fire safety rules in the autumn and winter

rescuers continue to take care of security in the homes of citizens, this verification is carried out raids in order to prevent fires in the living areas. Thus, on September 23-24 employees DSNS Izyaslavschyny taught villagers and Zubar Nechayivka,Tyshevytskoyi belonging to the village council, how to prevent fires in the home. In turn, Starokonstantinovsky rescuers went to settlements Ladyhivskoyi, Hubchanskoyi Verborodynskoyi and village councils, which urged people to avoid burn stubble and plant remains dry in ecosystems. In addition, rural workers councils DSNS aktsengated by the attention of the appropriate officials about training ’ objects that will be used during the elections and the preparations for the autumn-winter period the premises village councils. During rounds qualify for homestead « 101 » focused inhabitants dependent on heating appliances in good condition. Also, you need to take care of and purposelion leaves before flue openings to zharyna or even the smallest spark does not damage the floor, and thus not causing a fire. Enhanced awareness of the rules of safe behavior at and rescuers had many children, heightened attention on the need of parents to children pryvyvaty respectful attitude to safety from an early age; reminded that,that matches, lighters or other open flames should be kept away from children out of reach. PG DSNS Ukraine in Khmelnytsky region
