Zhytomyr: a program to support business immigrants in Zhitomir

Community Foundation launched a program of self-employment (business) internally displaced persons (IDPs) from Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts and Crimea, who live in Zhytomyr region. To participate in the program in Zhytomyr region will be selected 150 participants (IDPs). Programprovides two main areas: "Samozyaynyatist" (100 participants) and "micro" (50 participants) and is a good opportunity for those who already have ideas for your own business and has business experience or want this experience to get engaged in entrepreneurial activity. The program enables participants to receive 70% of starting a small financing (from $ 900 to $ 2500) on the establishment and / or development of existing businesses. Funding will be used to purchase equipment. Participants in the program are: - Officially registered IDPs residing in Zhytomyr and Zhytomyr region. - Age: 18-58 years for men, for women - 18-53 years. - Unemployed IDPs and IDPs who havedifficulties with permanent employment. The program consists of several phases: Phase I (September-October) - two days of training on business planning; Phase II (October-November) - preparation of the Business plans and counseling; Stage III (November) - the protection of the participants developed business plans; Fourth stage (December) - Approval of funding / purchaseand transmission equipment; V phase (January-March) - Monitoring of project participants. To participate in the program should be up to September 25, 2015 to complete the questionnaire and have an interview. Participation in the program is free. Details by phone: (050) 712-59-70, (093) 718-54-27, (097) 791-19-66 (0142) 46-10-86, e-mail: mom.zt2015@gmail. com.There may also be paid for the costs of participation in the districts of participants (travel, accommodation during the program and the cost of food). This was reported in Zhytomyr Regional State Administration

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/