In the Zhytomyr region told how to guard against botulism

Main Department Gossanepidsluzhby in Zhytomyr region again recalls the main rules that must be followed to protect yourself and your loved ones from botulism. Recognize contaminated product is difficult, because the products are not contaminated with the toxin has visible signs. 1. In noif not eat food: - With the swollen cans, cans tightly closed or concave lid; - The cans, the contents of which is suspicious or unpleasant odor; - From cans stored for more than one year. 2. Never buy canned products made at home, including salted, dried, smoked, "with hands" in the markets and streets.3. Immediately destroy suspicious product without any doubt. 4.Maksymalno stick vegetable canning technology food, especially the length of sterilization. Terms of botulism prevention is rather simple. Ignoring them can lead to sad consequences. Infection with human botulism is due to the use of foodovyh products that contain toxins botulinum bacteria. Infection from person to person does not occur. Symptoms appear within 12-36 hours after consumption of foods containing the toxin. Thus there is fever, fatigue, dizziness, nausea, impaired visual function, dry mouth, utrudment swallowing and paralysis of the muscles. Paralysis may cause breathing difficulties and, consequently, the death of the patient. This was reported in Zhytomyr Regional State Administration
