The situation with the lands of the former state farm "Ternopil" Stepan Barna took under his personal control

Dozens of employees of former state farm "Ternopil" the morning of September 21 came to the Ternopil Regional State Administration and required to assist them in the privatization of land and issuance of shares. People want to fix their belief unfair decision vladi on which all the lands ceded to the ownership of higher education. "All farms subject sharing between employees - says a former employee of Vladimir. - But the privatization of our farm illegally stopped. " This situation occurred 20 years ago when the then resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, dated 1994 year, Radhach was passed Ternopil Academy of National Economy (TNEU - prym.avt). Thus was established the research and production sector "Science". "This issue head region Stepan Barna took his personal control and sent to the Head of the regional police written request to check how reliable is lawful and Tvertion of former state farm workers - says the first deputy head of the Ternopil Oblast State Administration Ivan Krysak. - In the next meeting will be held on Friday all concerned in this matter, among whom will Rector TNEU to reach common consensus. " certificate Land former farm "Ternopil" are noblyzu villages and Kutkivtsi Pronyatyn. At one time there worked about 400 people, and land ownership reached 2 thousand. Ha. If sharing takes place, hundreds of former employees receive its share - shares in the amount which is average for the area, about two hectares each. And of those that remain, it is possible to form a land reserve forCity building with the prospect of using the coming decades. Earth enough for research and testing universtytetu. This was reported in the Ternopil Regional State Administration
