In Zhytomyr traffic police found a drunk driver driving instructor

Being in openly drunk, an employee of one of the driving schools Zhytomyr allowed himself to drive a vehicle that is used for training of future drivers. Relatively Helmsman road inspectors were administrative protocol. On a street Regionalth center traffic police noticed the car, which caused a movement of suspicion on the adequacy of its driver: car over and over again "clipped" to other motorists, creating emergency situations on the road. In addition, the offending car was labeled as educational. - All this happened near one of the driving schools m. Zhytomyr, where our next outfit nose sluzhbu of road safety, - says Dmitry DPS inspector Kwiatkowski. - So, when we gave the signal to the driver to stop the vehicle he drove in that institution. When checking the driver's documents and communication with the helmsman traffic police suspected that the latter is in a state Alcoholic, nonalcnoho intoxication. Evidence of this characteristic smell of a man and a staggering gait. His drunk cops were recorded using a special Breathalyzer, which showed 3.7 ppm of alcohol. As it turned out, the offender is a driver instructor in a driving school. According to him, despite the measures alcohol, he could not resist the temptation to straightenfor him to visit a new car with automatic transmission. Regarding the offender was compiled Protocol on administrative st.130 (driving vehicles or persons in a state of alcoholic, narcotic or other intoxication or under the influence of drugs, reducing their attention and speed of reaction)Code of Ukraine on administrative offenses. Under the current administrative law such wrongful acts punishable by a fine of $ 3400 USD, deprivation of the right to drive vehicles of up to 2 years, or administrative arrest for up to 10 days. Press service of Ministry of Internal Affairs Ukraine Zhytomyr region according UGAI UMVWITH
