Polish village development model can be applied in Ukraine

Poland - an excellent example of how an integrated policy of rural development and investment attraction can lead to successful modernization of agriculture, "- said Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine Oleksiy Pavlenko during his speech Conference on "Maybachutnye rural Europe "in. Grodno, Poland. From November 2012 the European Commission under the panel on agriculture and rural areas of the Eastern Partnership provides multilateral cooperation between EU Member States and countries such as Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova to exchange best practices for sustainable ruralskoho Agriculture and Rural Development. Agriculture Poland received a second wind thanks to the country's membership in the EU. Agricultural exports grew almost 5 times in the last 10 years, and the economic power of farms doubled since 2003. Poland is one of the most dynamic new EU member states, with double-digit growth generflax value of agricultural products since joining the European Union. Within the panel discussion "How transformational experience of Poland and other Central European countries can be used by countries associated with the EU", the President of the European Foundation for Development of Polish Villages Marek zagorsk told about the activity of the bodyizatsiyi. In 1990 he founded the European Foundation for Development of Polish Villages - a non-governmental organization that supports the development of rural Poland. The fund was created after the signing of the agreement between the Government of Poland and the European Economic Community. The organization helps attract investment to improve technical infrastructure, locationself- entrepreneurship and development of education and social services in rural areas. This was reported in Zhytomyr Regional State Administration

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/