There will be the final competition at the All-Ukrainian sports

sports Zhytomyr military institute named after SP Korolev from 23 to 27 September 2015 will be held the final competition of All-Ukrainian Sports Day among pre-conscription youth. By competition attracted teams from all regions of Ukraine. Flight finals competitionOlympics: September 23 - the day of arrival to the competition teams work panel of judges; September 24 - grand opening event, running the 100 meters, pulling on the bar; September 25 - shooting, overcoming of obstacles; 26 September - throwing grenades F-1 (600 gr.) At a distance, swimming 50 meters; September 27 - running at 3000 m, close amendedAgan, awarding the winners of the competition. Day of departure. Participating in the inauguration of Games takes the leadership of the Ministry of Ukraine for Family, Youth and Sports, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Zhitomir region and town. We invite media representatives to the opening of the Olympics 24 September 2015 at 11.30 (Zhytomyr Military Institute named after SP Korolev, address: c. Zhitomir, Mira, 22). Reference: This was reported in Zhytomyr Regional State Administration
