In an attempt to luchanyn sales of toxic substances can get behind bars

illegal realize their plans man prevented operatives. Now the Dodgers face up to three years in prison. The department of combating drug trafficking received information that the resident of the regional center tries to sell mercury. In detailNiche check information confirmed. Law enforcement officials identified the offender, he was 40 years luchanyn. Operatives seized him in a metal container with mercury weighing 5 kilograms and 10 liters of hydrochloric acid. As explained by the would-be businessman, all he found on the defunct company. Later found decided to sell. - Remote Offravyly on research in Forensic Center at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Volyn region - says the head of the fight against drug trafficking Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Volyn region Vladimir Kostanyuk. - Information included in the Unified Register of pre-trial investigations under paragraph 1 of article 321 (illegal manufacture, production, having comeBunny, transportation, transfer, storing with intent to sell or sale of toxic or potent substances or toxic or potent drugs) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Continues pre-trial investigation. SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukraine Volyn region (based OBNON MIA)
