In Lutsk held celebrations to mark the Day of the forest

In Volyn Regional Forestry and Hunting held celebrations on the occasion of professional holiday - Day of the forest. From local government and community of foresters welcomed the Deputy Mayor Larisa Sokolovsky. She thanked them for their work, for whatguard harmony and order in forestry. Wished everyone good health, peace and prosperity and handed Mayor thanks for many years of hard work, personal contribution to the development of forestry, preservation and enhancement of natural resources Volyn region, highly professional approach to business, andalso on the professional holiday - Day of the forest Babich Leonid Viktorovich, master forest Hraddivskoho Forestry State Enterprise "Kolkivske forestry"; Nevodnichyk Tatyana, Director of State Enterprise "Volyn forest breeding and seed center"; Studenchuku Alexander, foresters TuriyskohForestry at the State Enterprise "Turiysk forestry". This was reported in Lutsk city council
