Khmelnytsky region 18 September - World action Greenpeace «Clean planet from garbage"

For young naturalists Khmelnytsky OENTSUM pedagogical staff of the institution together with employees of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources Khmelnytsky Oblast State Administration held an hour dedicated communication World shares Greenpeace «CleanPlanet of debris. " Young naturalists learned that this action, which received the status of the World, was first held in September 1993 residents of Australia - they massively took to clean ocean beaches. Gradually, the campaign was joined by other countries, and to date it has involved millions of volunteers in 100 countries worldwide. Inhales specifically distinguish different continents week in September to arrange the collection and sorting of waste in the hometown or go to environmental purposes in any other point on the planet. In many cities are raising activities on environmental and economic benefits of recycling. People cleaned of debris recreation, beaches,and water parks, suburban area and the river, plant trees, organize actions, organize exhibitions, concerts and press conferences. The urgency of action "Clean planet from garbage" in recent years, especially increased. Every year, humanity is increasingly becoming a "consumer society." For every inhabitant of the Earth on average per year consumed about20 tons of raw materials, most of which (97%) goes to waste, generating mountains of debris are called "monsters XXI century". They scare not only in scale, but the potential danger posed to the health and life of living organisms as lead to groundwater contamination and the spread of harmful gases. The purpose of World actiher "Clean planet from garbage" - to draw people's attention to the problems of pollution and contamination of the planet, as well as develop their skills in the economic relationship to the world and to increase the level of environmental culture and literacy. With interest kids talking with experts of the Department of Environment and Natural ResourcesKhmelnytsky Oblast State Administration, who spoke about the activities of the Department, aimed at improving the environment and the environmental actions such as "Save the Environment", "return the battery", "Environment Day" and many others. Reported at
