On a visit to Khmelnytsky rescuers attended urban schools

pupils on September 17, on the occasion of the savior, the 21 state of the Fire and Rescue held an open day. On a visit to Shepetovsky rescue schoolchildren visiting the city. In the event the guests were told about the heroic everyday Fire and Rescue Service. Next acquainted with themlife rescuers showed machinery and equipment, which are used in the daily work of employees DSNS units. Anyone who has visited the day visiting the fire-rescue units had the opportunity to feel like a real hero-site rescue, combat clothes and try to eliminate conditional fire. During excursionsher students learned a lot of interesting historical facts about the origin and formation of the Fire and Rescue Service, got acquainted with the features of a modern civil service departments of emergency. And to complete the rescue once again reminded all basic safety rules to be followed in order to save his own life and the lifeclose. Shepetivka district sector PG DSNS Ukraine in Khmelnytsky region

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/