Zhytomyr: in Ruzhynschyni police caught from Kiev, who stole a pensioner 25 thousand UAH

Sentinels found that the theft did 46-year-old guest applicant. He seized stolen. September 16 to Ruzhin police department requested 71-year-old resident of the district, a statement about the theft from his house 25,000 USD. On the spotpolice found that the applicant feasting for several days visited 46-year-old city. Kyiv. It was after his visit and found the owner of loss. During a conversation with a man police suspect admitted guilt, he seized the stolen money. Details of the event included in the Unified Register of pre-trial investigations ch. 1, Art. 185 (theft) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. A man threatens punishment from a fine to a six-month arrest or imprisonment for up to three years. Dear citizens! Sentinels once again urge responsibly to preserve its own property. Ensure safe refuge for valuables. Significant amounts of money it is desirable to keep in bankivscal institutions. Do not invite unfamiliar people in their own home. Strengthen doors and windows in their homes. Press service of Ministry of Internal Affairs Ukraine Zhytomyr region

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/