On one billion hryvnia more than last year - a contribution to the general budget of Vinnitsa region

after eight months of this year to the budgets of all levels received 3.7 billion, which is 1 bln. UAH. more than last year. This was announced by Head of State in Vinnytsia region DFS Miroslav Sold during the board meeting of the regional administration dedicated subfamilyumkam socio-economic development of the region for 8 months. Local budgets, according to the head of fiscal services, was mobilized in August 297.5 mln., Which is almost 25% more than in August last year. Thus Miroslav Prodan said that in the current context of decentralization, local communities can get their budgets much morethan before. For example, if last year the main sources of local revenues were the tax on personal income, payment for land and single tax, but this year before they joined the 10% income tax and property tax (property tax and vehicle tax) and excise tax for the sale at retailand excisable goods. Therefore, provisions for local budgets is considerable because it depends on the interest of the communities. As an example - the introduction of a common approach to bidding on tax on immovable property other than land and their increase will make it possible to significantly increase the revenues of the local budgets. GUDFS in Vinnitsa region This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/