Vinnitsa region takes the first place in terms of gross agricultural output

Department of Statistics in the Vinnitsa region reported that the rate of gross agricultural production Vinnitsa region (at constant 2010 prices) for January-August 2015 amounted to 98.6% ( last year 113.8%). Among the regionsUkraine Vinnitsa region took the first place - the volume of gross agricultural output, the second place - for 1 person and 11 th place in the rate of gross production. During January-August 2015 farms of all categories of Vinnitsa region were sold for slaughter cattle and poultry in live weight 280.3 thousand tons. You all milk produceding 577.2 ths. tons and received eggs from birds of all kinds 604,300,000. pieces. Among the regions of Ukraine Vinnitsa region takes the first place in terms of production of meat and milk, 5th place - eggs. Data provided by the State Statistics excluding the temporarily occupied territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and in Sevastopol. And of areas where the anti-terroristoperation. This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration
