Ternopil schools have established "panic button"

Questions safe children in schools is important and relevant. For almost a year, security in 35 schools Ternopil manages the State Security Service. Parents want every child to their kids, being in school, received not only knowledgeand skills, but was protected from any criminal acts. - Difficult situation in the country and the political and economic. Almost is an open war - the director TNVK school - economic lyceum 9 them. Blazhkevych Gregory J. Rybak. - We must be ready for any action, to any people or it separatists or other strangers. When Mr.adzvychaynoyi situation we can pass this information through the alarm button the police and they come in minutes and is working. When necessary to quickly and efficiently help law enforcement becomes more and more. The schools most often the reason for the call of detention are not the SSS students and outsiderspersons who were on campus. Tatyana Mazur - the technician school. The woman said that the establishment of such buttons makes it easy to quickly catch offenders or stop any conflict. "Alarm button" - one of the most effective means of protection and fast response of law enforcement. Setting thissystem allows not only to ensure the safety of students and teaching staff of the institution, but also to protect them from such acts of hooliganism and prevent criminal offenses. - The State Security Service, with the assistance of the Ternopil City Council held a mounting alarm and panic button installed in 35 schools of Ternopil. This measure budirected in order to protect the health and lives of our children, to ensure the safety of both teaching staff and visitors who are in the learning process in schools. Also, this event aims to preserve assets for children and teaching staff. Panic Button is needed to calm the children feel that parents giving children madwere in school know that they are completely safe - said Alexey Dziurakh, chief technical protection UDSO center AMIA in the Ternopil region. After triggering "panic button" for a few minutes to place a call comes armed and physically prepared outfit detention of the State Security Service and restores pravoporyadok in this institution. UDSO at MIA Ukraine in Ternopil region

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/