In Chernivtsi region police found the intruder who stole economic instruments Up to

Kelmenetsky police department addressed using 28-year-old resident of the village Nepolokivtsi. A woman reported that her court stolen tooling cost 600 USD. The police immediately began the search for the attacker. Employees karnohInvestigation of the local police department identified the attacker. They found 28-year-old resident of the village Novoselytsia. The man confessed to the crime, and the tooling was planning to sell. The attacker still had "criminal experience," he brought to criminal liability for committing property crimes. On this fact openly criminal Laneadzhennya on ch. 1, Art. 185 (theft) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Sanction article provides for punishment of imprisonment for up to three years. Law enforcers check attacker involvement in the commission of other crimes in the area. The investigation continues. SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Chernivtsi region
