Farmers Vinnichiny almost 2.4 million threshed grains and legumes

According to the Department of Agricultural Development Administration, as of 15 September 2015 in all categories of farms with 829.3 thousand. Ha of grains and legumes (of corn for grain) subject to collection, collected 522.3 thousand. dand (63.0%). forecast). Threshed - 2,363.2 ths. Tons, at an average yield of 45.2 c / ha (in 2014 - 47.9 c / ha), including: buckwheat from an area of ??9.8 hectares, subject to collection, harvested area - 7.2 thousand. ha (73.3%), threshed - 7.6 ths. tons in yield - 10.6 c / ha (in 2014 - 15.9 c / ha); millet area of ??1.1 hectares, subject to zbyearly, harvested on the area - 680 hectares (62.0%), threshed - 1.4 thousand. tonnes with the average yield - 20.5 c / ha (in 2014 - 21.4 c / ha); corn from an area of ??309.1 thousand hectares. collected - 7.8 thousand. ha (2.5%), threshed - 35.4 ths. tons with an average yield of 45.4 c / ha (in 2014 - 75 8 kg / ha). Soya area of ??223.8 hectares, subject to collection, withIbr?ny an area - 70.0 thousand. ha (31.3%), threshed - 88.8 thousand. tonnes with the average yield - 12.7 c / ha (in 2014 - 20.8 c / ha). Sunflower area of ??187.1 hectares, subject to collection, assembled in the square - 36,3 thousand. Ha (19.4%), threshed - 80.9 thousand. Tonnes with the average yield - 22.3 c / ha (in 2014 - 25.3 c / ha). At the same time, prepared gsoils for planting winter crops on the area - 354.1 thousand. ha (95.5% of the forecast), in addition to under winter rape area - 70.8 thousand. ha (98.4% of the forecast). In all categories harvest in 2016 the projected area of ??winter grain crops - 370.9 thousand. Ha sown - 27.8 thousand. Ha (7.5% of the forecast), including 27.8 thousand grain.ha, namely: winter wheat areas of the projected 330.8 thousand. ha sown on the area - 25.7 thousand. ha (7.8% of the forecast); winter rye projected area of ??1.6 thousand. ha sown on the area - 79 ha (5.1% of the forecast); winter barley projected area of ??37.4 thousand. ha sown on an area - 2.0 thousand. ha (5.4% of the forecast). In addition to the projected areasivu winter rape 72.0 thousand. ha sown - 41.1 thousand. ha (57.8% of the forecast). Ploughland prepared soil in an area - 201.0 thousand. Ha (18.2% of the forecast), namely deep plowing - 29.3 thousand. Ha (46.7% of the forecast), including in kg / beet - 27.7 thousand. ha (55.5% of the forecast). This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration
