Rescuers were taught in Khmelnytsky residents housing sector

fire safety rules throughout the year to rescue extremely important question remains to comply with fire safety regulations residents residential sectors. Therefore, workers DSNS constantly warn residents of the ill-advised actions that lead to a loss ofAina and sometimes injury or worse – to death. Since September 14 rescuers 3rd State fire and rescue squad was done working old town dwellings, living alone, elderly people and large families on their compliance with fire safety in the home. During conversations rescuers Nagahave given people security rules when using electrical appliances, as well as banning the burning of dry vegetation or debris near the houses. Do not forget to bring experts DSNS population basic safety requirements while identifying suspicious and explosive devices. And in order that at any time could recall rulesSecurity lifeguards were residents postcards and city ’ interest warning character. Dear citizens! Abuse at home can lead to fatal consequences! Be careful to keep his life and the lives of their loved ones! 3 State Fire rescue squad PG DSNS Ukraine in Khmelnytsky region
