Vladimir Hartinher: "A policeman must honestly and conscientiously carry out their work"

34 years of her life and gave police 69-year-old retired colonel Vladimir Hartinher of Khust. Of which 15 years he headed the criminal investigation police Gorotdel Hust. During this time the veteran has trained many students, including the current head of KhustPolice Vladimir Schadey. Vladimir Karlovich Hartinher - comes from Volovechchyny. He was born in 1946 in the family woodcutter, which brought up four children. Father and mother since childhood taught their children to work, honesty, humanity and justice. After service in the internal troops, in 1968 Vladimir Hartinher whirlpoolsewed that will become a policeman. After finishing school the young police lieutenant was sent to work in Khust district police to the position of inspector of Criminal Investigation. 34 years Vladimir Hartinher honestly and faithfully served in the Internal Affairs. First was an inspector and senior inspector of Criminal Investigation, and then ran in '15Hust Criminal Investigation Department. After that he was appointed first deputy head - chief of criminal police Justa. From there in 2002 with the rank of police colonel, he went on a holiday. Vladimir Hartinher not only revealed the crime, and educated staff officers. Among his students were so manyand directing the Gorotdel police chiefs worked CID units. Among students Hartinhera - and the current chief of police Vladimir Khust Schadey. And yet - police veterans John and Michael Tsoky John Rishko John Simon, Basil Schufan Yuri Hoban, the late Andrew Lavryshyn and many others. All of them taught free and fairo perform their duties. Over the years of service in the police V.Hartinher gained prestige not only among his colleagues and residents in Khust. He called this day Karlovic. It has many good friends who always come to the rescue. For exemplary service in the police repeatedly been encouraged by diplomas and medals. Side by side on the earthly life of VladimirKarlovic walking with his wife Valentina, who always was and is his reliable rear. Thanks to its support and understanding, says veteran, he has achieved a lot in his life. - If could turn back time, I gladly and happily returned to serve in the police, - says Vladimir Hartinher. Agnes Kurtyak, Hust CF UMVC

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/